Postpartum! – Herbs that Heal

Our plant family has so many ways to heal and nurture our body after we birth. Let’s take a look at a few…


CalendulaThis beautiful healing herb brings comfort to our sore perineums. If you have an episiotomy, tore or just have a few micro tears this herbs soothe and heals!




Sea Salt

SaltSalt is another fast healer. Soaking your bottom in a sea salt bath if there has been trauma. Soaking your nipples in sea salt and warm water if they are cracked and/or bleeding can bring instant relief and fast healing.




fenugreekFenugreek is a trusted friend when it comes to increasing milk supply. Taken orally in capsule or tincture form.




Red Raspberry Leaf

redraspberryRed Raspberry is every woman, no matter what stage of life, best friend. RRL is an all over female tonic. Strengthens and tonifies. Rich in minerals and nutrients.




There are countless other beautiful herbs that help our postpartum to be smooth and healthy. See your midwife or herbalist for more information, indications and dosages.

At Freedom and the Seed we blend delicious herbal teas for the postpartum period. We have also created a healing sit bath with a fragrance that is out of this world!


All of these can be purchased at our office or sent by mail. Just contact Wendi at [email protected]

Happy Babymoon!


Pregnancy – Let’s Eat!

If you are one of our mamas you know our biggest nutrition topic is PROTEIN! It is the building block of babies. Mona writes today’s blog about yummy Farro – a great grain for protein!


I <3 Farro!

During these hot summer months I’m always looking for cool and refreshing dishes that satisfy.  One ingredient that I’ve recently fallen in love with is none other than FARRO.  My favorite way of enjoying this grain is in cool salads that serve as a complete meal.  If you haven’t had it before, you’re totally missing out!  It looks something like barley, and has a texture I love.

Another reason to love farro is its protein content—7 grams per serving!  Which is an awesome thing for every mama’s diet.  In fact farro has as much protein as the beloved quinoa, and twice as much calcium, good things for pregnancy and beyond.  With this, it must be said for those avoiding gluten, this is not the grain for you.  Farro is a kind of wheat, so for any of the recipes below you’d likely want to replace farro for quinoa or brown rice.

The first thing you need to know is how to cook farro.  Once you have a batch you’re options are limitless, but here are some suggestions to get you started:

Farro salad with some sweetness

Farro 1

Farro salad that’s savory.

Farro 2

Farro salad with tanginess.

Farro 3

I hope you enjoy farro as much as I do. Give it a try and let us know what you think!!

Much love to you all,



Keep up!!!

Not sure if everyone is able to keep up with the changes surrounding FATS.
Our new office in Gilbert is magical! The space is beautiful inside and out. Plenty of space for LOTS of community. Speaking of community, we are starting Mama Circles back up THIS WEEK!!! Every Wednesday 10-12. We will have a loose topic every week following what has been posted on the blog ~
August – Pregnancy
September – Birth
October – Post Partum
November – Baby
December – Ceremony

Speaking of ceremony, one of the new things brewing at FATS are the ceremonies we are diving into. Visit our ceremony page on our website to find out just how much we are doing in this area.

The new downtown office has been a blessing to many that didn’t want to travel further east to Gilbert. We are sharing Shell Luttrell’s beautiful space one day a week. For that, I am so grateful to my sister. It is perfect!

One last newness in FATS world. We have a fresh 2 month old hanging around the office thanks to Julianna. Perhaps you will have the pleasure of holding Mr. Frenchy Buttons.
