Plant Medicine is Available!

SO many people have asked for pricing on the medicine we made last week to help us through the cold and flu season, so here it is:

1oz, 2oz, 4oz, 8oz and 16oz bottles are available.


Fire Cider Immune Strengthener $2 an ounce, $1.50 an ounce if you bring your own bottle.




Elderberry Immune Syrup $2.50 an ounce, $2 an ounce if you bring your own bottle.

Wild Cherry Cough Syrup $2.50 an ounce, $2 an ounce if you bring your own bottle.


Echinacea Tincture $8 per ounce.

Echinacea Capsules $10 for 50 capsules



Fever Reducing Tea $.05 per teaspoon (1 teaspoon = 1 cup).

Throat Soothing Tea $.05 per teaspoon (1 teaspoon = 1 cup).


Keep Well Essential Oils – 5 different essential oils to purify and heal in an Apricot oil base. $8 per ounce.




There are baskets of goodness available for $55. The basket contains everything above! Such a deal!

I have many more teas and tinctures available but these are specific to keeping our immune systems strong and healthy for the upcoming cold and flu season.

If you are interested please text or call Freedom and the Seed, Wendi Cleckner, for more information. 480.528.1689

We also have another class coming up to teach you how to make your own medicine! Check it out on Facebook or ask Wendi about it when you call.

Stay healthy through the cold and flu season herb class – Nov 18


And the Battle still continues with AZDHS…

I am sure you have heard a lot of buzz around the Arizona Association of Midwives filing a lawsuit against the AZ Dept of Health Services. If you haven’t, read my last post to catch up!

Did you know that individual midwives continue their own private battle in the court room? In the last several months we have seen 3 midwives in court fighting to keep their licenses to practice midwifery.

This Friday Nov. 13th I go to court AGAIN to fight to keep mine. The reason: I did not abandon care and leave my client without a care provider.thumb_IMG_0622_1024

It has been almost a year to the date of the last time I was in court defending my license. If you have not read about that crazy case please go back to my post Battle with AZDHS. We are seriously talking crazy pants here.

If you read the first go round then you can almost press repeat in the scenario that will unfold again this Friday.

Not only is this a waste of everyone’s time and resources, this is a waste of YOUR TAX MONEY!!! You should be outraged!

The last time in court, about a month ago, there were 3-4 attorney from the Attorney General’s office present. ALL of them paid by for your tax dollars. All to help defend the dept stance on mandatory testing. 4 lawyers for 4 hours, plus the 3-4 people present from DHS. That’s a lot of money spent to defend the departments stance on not allowing patient autonomy.

I wonder how many will show up to my case??? I will keep you posted…

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International Babywearing Week!

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Babywearing is so vital to both mom and baby. Check out the cuteness.

FATS Mama Circle will be all about Babywearing this Friday Oct 2, 10-12 in Phx and Tues Oct 6, 12-2 in Gilbert!

In honor of International Babywearing Week I want to give a shout out to Babywearing International of Phoenix!

Here is an excerpt from their Facebook page. Go like them today!

We are an affiliate chapter of Babywearing International (, a non-profit organization devoted to babywearing advocacy and education. Our Mission is to promote babywearing safety and education in our communities.

babywearing seethroughOur meetings are led by Volunteer Babywearing Educators (VBEs) – experienced babywearers who have been accredited by Babywearing International. They also serve as admins for this group.

Our VBEs are:
TaiLeah Madill
Marissa Honey-Jones
Dara Salzano DaCunha
Jessica Richardson

Tracy McCall
Morgan Vigil-Smith
Beth Guynes
Elizabeth Morton
Lauren Maynard
Jenna Parker
Toria Trendler
Tanya C Higgins
Tiffany Deacon Husar
Kara Cook
Amber Hodge
Renee Hiller

We currently have 5 meetings a month, each in a different part of the valley. We occasionally offer social or play date events as well. All of our upcoming events and meetings are now posted on our Facebook Page,, under the events tab or on our website here. Please subscribe to receive notifications when new events and meetings are created, and join those you wish to attend to stay up to date on all those details! You can find a full list of our group rules and guidelines here: wearing

Want to know more about Meetings or have other general questions about how things work? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions Doc:

Our meetings are free to attend and open to all! We also offer memberships in our group for $30 per year, tax deductible. Membership supports our group’s advocacy (education and outreach) work, supports the admin costs such as for business cards that our attendees can use to hand out, and allows us to add new carriers to our library! Membership also has some great benefits, such as being able to borrow any carrier in our library f
or up to a month at a time. This is a great way to ‘try before you buy’. We currently have almost 200 carriers and accessories in our library!!

Want to know more about membership? Check out our blog post:…/membership-wit…. Ready to join? Fill out this form:…/1k4F7q1-7
, and submit your $30 annual dues via paypal:… or to phoenixbabywearers@gmail.comman wearing

See our carrier list here:…/1jEbQaQuNZyxZScw-TIOuiDIj29…/edit…

This group is to chat and discuss all things babywearing. Post your victories and your challenges. Ask your carrier questions. Buy, sell, and trade your lovelies with other local wearers. And above all, post with kindness and consideration. Every moment can be a positive one. Even in the challenges
and the difficult topics, there is room to grow and learn.

Love our community and want to pick their brains about things other than babywearing? Join our Off Topic (OT) group:

Have a question of a more private nature? Need to chat with a leader or get further info on us teaching at your mom’s/parenting group? Private Message (PM) any leader or email us at

You can learn more about our group on our website ( or on our blog( You’ll find some great youtube tutorials, information about our lending library, and other helpful info to help you along your babywearing journey on these sites.

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Postpartum! – Herbs that Heal

Our plant family has so many ways to heal and nurture our body after we birth. Let’s take a look at a few…


CalendulaThis beautiful healing herb brings comfort to our sore perineums. If you have an episiotomy, tore or just have a few micro tears this herbs soothe and heals!




Sea Salt

SaltSalt is another fast healer. Soaking your bottom in a sea salt bath if there has been trauma. Soaking your nipples in sea salt and warm water if they are cracked and/or bleeding can bring instant relief and fast healing.




fenugreekFenugreek is a trusted friend when it comes to increasing milk supply. Taken orally in capsule or tincture form.




Red Raspberry Leaf

redraspberryRed Raspberry is every woman, no matter what stage of life, best friend. RRL is an all over female tonic. Strengthens and tonifies. Rich in minerals and nutrients.




There are countless other beautiful herbs that help our postpartum to be smooth and healthy. See your midwife or herbalist for more information, indications and dosages.

At Freedom and the Seed we blend delicious herbal teas for the postpartum period. We have also created a healing sit bath with a fragrance that is out of this world!


All of these can be purchased at our office or sent by mail. Just contact Wendi at

Happy Babymoon!


Pregnancy – Let’s Eat!

If you are one of our mamas you know our biggest nutrition topic is PROTEIN! It is the building block of babies. Mona writes today’s blog about yummy Farro – a great grain for protein!


I <3 Farro!

During these hot summer months I’m always looking for cool and refreshing dishes that satisfy.  One ingredient that I’ve recently fallen in love with is none other than FARRO.  My favorite way of enjoying this grain is in cool salads that serve as a complete meal.  If you haven’t had it before, you’re totally missing out!  It looks something like barley, and has a texture I love.

Another reason to love farro is its protein content—7 grams per serving!  Which is an awesome thing for every mama’s diet.  In fact farro has as much protein as the beloved quinoa, and twice as much calcium, good things for pregnancy and beyond.  With this, it must be said for those avoiding gluten, this is not the grain for you.  Farro is a kind of wheat, so for any of the recipes below you’d likely want to replace farro for quinoa or brown rice.

The first thing you need to know is how to cook farro.  Once you have a batch you’re options are limitless, but here are some suggestions to get you started:

Farro salad with some sweetness

Farro 1

Farro salad that’s savory.

Farro 2

Farro salad with tanginess.

Farro 3

I hope you enjoy farro as much as I do. Give it a try and let us know what you think!!

Much love to you all,
