The Controversial Stress of the GBS Test


Group Beta Strep is often one of the hardest test to talk about. It is complicated and full of controversy. I came across this fantastic seminar given by one of my favorite MD, herbalist, and midwife – Aviva Romm. She gives a lot of great information, background and treatment options. I would love this to spark a conversation about this very charged issue. Check it out and give me your thoughts…

GBS Seminar

Much love ~ Wendi

Have no fear the blog is here!

The New Location

Freedom and the Seed has been about change in 2013. The FATS Blog is the next fresh change we are excited to make! We want to share with the world all the interesting things happening in our office with our mamas, families, and life in general. So if you are checking in here I guess you are curious about this crazy world we live in called Freedom and the Seed.

Read through the birth stories and articles. Gaze thoughtfully over the birth and body art. Tear up watching the videos. Enjoy making the yummy recipes with your family and friends and make sure to laugh along the way. As you explore, may you be filled with positive and encouraging thoughts about women, families, home, bodies, birth, babies, and really, just life.

Much love ~ Wendi