Our Resources

resources for our clients

Order the Freedom and the Seed birth kit- Precious Arrows

our local birth community

Arizona Association of Midwives- azassocmidwives.com

Arizona Community Birth Coalition – www.ArizonaCommunityBirthCoalition.com

La Leche League: Your local breastfeeding experts. A huge lending library, lots of like-minded women, and the best advice you’ll find. lllofaz.org

International Caesarean Awareness Network AZ- The local chapter of International Caesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) meets monthly in AZ. ican-online.org/chapter/search












childbirth education

The International Childbirth Education Association






safety of homebirth (studies)

A large, retrospective study of American homebirths, published in British Medical Journal- British Medical Journal

Fact Sheet on homebirth safety by the national organization Citizens for Midwifery- Fact sheet

A privately-maintained list of homebirth and out-of-hospital studies- List

“Technology in Birth: First Do No Harm” by Marsden Wagner, MD Midwifery Today

The Childbirth Connection is a source for trustworthy, up-to-date, evidence-based information and resources on planning for pregnancy, labor & birth, and the postpartum period. childbirthconnection.org

Coalition for Improving Maternity Services: Organizations, professionals, advocates, and families who share a commitment to making Mother-Friendly Care a reality. motherfriendly.org

midwifery advocacy

Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs)—our training, credentialing process, national exams, and maintenance. Information on CPMs

MANA: An organization of North American Midwives and their advocates. mana.org

The North American Registry of Midwives: An international certification agency whose mission is to establish and administer certification for the credential “Certified Professional Midwife” (CPM) narm.org

The Big Push for Midwives is working to legalize out-of-hospital birth and midwifery in all 50 states. thebigpushformidwives.org

Citizens for Midwifery is a national consumer-based group promoting the Midwives Model of Care. cfmidwifery.org

diet (including vegetarians)

Iron in the vegan diet. Works for vegetarians, as well. info on iron

List of iron-rich foods with iron content measurements. iron-rich foods





It doesn’t get any better than La Leche League. llli.org

Dr. Jack Newman’s great articles and how-to videos. drjacknewman.com

All things breastfeeding! breastfeeding.com

Great Blog! mamaknowsbreast.com/lactivism

International Lactation Consultant Association ilca.org


our bodies are beautiful

The Shape of a Mother has photos of real mothers. Spectacular and inspiring. theshapeofamother.com

Breasts—what they really look like. breast gallery

Look at all the pregnant bellies! maternitygallery.com

cesarean awareness

The International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) was formed over 25 years ago in order to support women in their journey towards understanding the risks of cesarean section and with the purpose of helping them have healthy births and healthy lives after undergoing the surgery that changed them. ican-online.org

VBAC info and informed consent topics. vbac.com

VBAC birth stories

post-partum support











National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, founded by healthcare professionals to provide information to expectant parents, healthcare professionals, educators, lawyers, ethicists, and concerned individuals about circumcision and genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children, genital integrity, and human rights. nocirc.org

miscarriage and stillborn

Missing GRACE Foundation provides resources and support for families that have experienced pregnancy loss, infant loss, infertility, or adoption and to advocate for comprehensive, patient-focused prenatal care for all women. missinggrace.org

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is a network of 6,000 volunteer photographers that will come to your hospital or hospice location and conduct a sensitive and private portrait session at no cost. nowilaymedowntosleep.org

A gathering of women experiencing pregnancy loss. themiscarriageblog.blogspot.com

Topics ranging from causes of miscarriage, to prevention, to when to try again for a new pregnancy. pregnancyloss.info

A place of information, support and remembrance for those who are grieving a loss through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. aplacetoremember.com

government assistance

Women, infants and children (WIC)

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)

cloth diapers


Info on cloth diaper use


must haves

  • Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
  • Birth Plan by Marsden Wagner
  • The Thinking Woman’s Guide by Henci Goer
  • Homebirth by Sheila Kitzingher

also good…

  • Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin, nice just before birth
  • Birth over 35 by Shiela Kitzinger
  • Birth Partner by Penny Simpkin
  • Childbirth Without Pain by Grantly Dick-Reed
  • Birth Without Violence by Fredrick Leboyer
  • Your Baby, Your Way by Shiela Kitzinger
  • Gentle Birth Choices (book & video) by Barbara Harper
  • Immaculate Deception 1 or 2 by Suzanne Arms
  • The Breastfeeding Answer Book by La Leche League
  • Breastfeeding by Sheila Kitzinger
  • Waterbirth by Susana Napierala
  • Birthing From Within by Pam England
  • The Baby Book by William Sears
  • Any books by Aviva Romm
  • After Baby’s Birth: A Women’s Way to Wellness by Robin Lim